I am so excited that Disney World is starting to get back to normal! Disney is part of my self-care routine and I’m enjoying it being open for longer hours, having park hoping again, and starting up the special tours! Now, hopefully, they will be adding back Disney Dining Plans soon!
I have been lucky enough to be able to travel with just one kid at a time.

Not only do I get to travel with one kid at a time, but I also get to travel with my husband and grandkids!

However, some of my favorite trips are when it’s just me and my husband. During those trips, we tend to just wander around and see what sounds good to see, do, and eat those days. He’s not so much into riding rides, but we still have a great time.

I have been fortunate enough to be able to go a few times a year for the last few years and I’ve gotten good with knowing that to pack. I know the items I use frequently and what items I can do without.
My typical backpack items have not changed much, besides adding masks and finding the importance of a personal neck fan! I never thought I would use one, but I love it and take it with me every trip now!

Mask/Face Coverings
Face coverings are currently only required for Disney transportation, if you are fully vaccinated, so they still need to be on the packing list!
Disney has their own masks available and their newest ones are my favorite! The material is very breathable and comfortable. However, be aware that they tend to run small, so choose a size larger than you typically wear!
I love clothing made out of bamboo!! It’s always so soft and I definitely believe the cloth face masks need to be soft if you are going to wear them outside in the heat and humidity all day long!
There’s also the disposable variety! These tend to be a bit more lightweight, but they are not as easily reusable so you will have to pack more of them!
My suggestion is to take a variety of masks with you! If you have a variety (shapes, textures, cloth, disposable….), then you have extras if one starts to bother you or if it gets wet or too sweaty (and smelly)!!

Carribeaner for Masks
Carribeaners are great for keeping things attached to your or your backpack!
Masks are small and most of us are not completely used to wearing them yet, so they are easily misplaced.
Attaching them to a carabiner and then attaching that carabiner to your belt loop or backpack makes it much easier to keep track of!!
My suggestion is to take a few of them. They always come in handy! If you have a stroller, get one of the HUGE clips to hang off your handle. It’s great for holding Disney Resort Mugs and Disney Popcorn Buckets!!

Gum/Breath Mints
It’s never good to have bad breath….but it’s worse when you are stuck smelling your own breath inside of a MASK at Disney World!!
**INSIDER TIP** If you want gum, bring it with you! Disney does not sell gum on property!

Hand Sanitizer
Hand sanitizer has always been a must-have for me when I travel. Having a variety of small, travel-size hand sanitizers makes it easy.
Bonus, the ones with carabiners make it easy to find them because you can simply clip the hand sanitizer to the outside of your backpack!

Sanitizing Wipes
Again, another necessity for me! They can be used to wipe tables off before you eat or wipe hands with instead of hand sanitizer. The ones below are great because they have aloe in them as well!

Water Bottle
It’s Florida. It’s hot. Drink water! LOTS of water!
I always have a reusable water bottle on me (at home, work, vacation, etc…), but this will definitely be beneficial for the Parks.
Disney Quick-Service restaurants always give out free ice water, but having your own with you allows you to get a drink whenever you need to with no standing in line needed!
Here is a great kids bottle!
This is a great bottle for adults when the parks reopen, especially since it has a straw to make it easy to get a drink while wearing your mask!!

Sun Screen and Aloe
Next, we can’t forget some of the most important items! It’s Florida, so sunscreen and aloe are necessary all the time (especially those of us from the North)!
The travel-size bottles are perfect for backpacks in the Parks or carry-ons on airplanes!

Items to Help You Keep Cool
You want to make sure that you and your kids stay hydrated and as cool as possible! Hot and miserable kids are cranky and no one wants cranky kids on vacation!! Hot miserable adults are cranky too and you don’t want to be one of those!
If you have a stroller, then stroller fans are a MUST for your little ones especially if you are going to Florida during the summer months!!
I like the fans you can recharge with a USB! This way you don’t need to worry about packing batteries with you. You already have your charger!
AND…tiny fans you can plug directly into your phone!! (You have your phone on your anyway…might as well use it to keep cool!!)
However, this is my favorite one and the one I own! It can be charged with my portable charger and fits comfortably on my neck. It truly makes a HUGE difference in the summer and I will never go to Disney (or any other warm-weather vacation) without it!
Cooling Towels
Cooling towels are great and here we are with the carabiners again! Have you noticed I really like the carabiners?!?!?
Spray Bottle
I like the ones that are a combination spray bottle and fan! Plus, they can make fun entertainment for the kids and adults too!!

It’s Florida! Yes, it will rain!
Be prepared for it!
This is the exact poncho I have, but mine is in all black. I LOVE it because with shorts on I am completely covered, even with my backpack on under the poncho! It is truly the best poncho I have ever owned and it’s traveled to several countries with me (and not just the EPCOT countries)!!
The plus to this is that it also comes with an umbrella and tote bag!
Disney Pins
We can’t forget my FAVORITE…Disney trading pins! (Yes, there will be pin trading at Disney during the reopening phases!)
If you are like me, you always need just one or two more pins!!
And you can’t forget the lanyard!!

Not only do I love to travel, but I also love being active with my family! Check out my new parenting book. I’m a mom of seven and a clinical psychologist, so I have lots of great tips to share!

For more articles about travel, check these out!

These are good suggestions. My sister, niece, her husband and their two boys got their Disney trip cancelled over spring break, on the eve of their departure. They are hopefully going in October, if everything stays open. I’ll share your list with them!
We have had trips cancelled during this year too sadly. I can’t wait to get back to Disney but Disney in a mask with no characters, sit down dining, parades, and characters seems lackluster for the expense and distance. Alas, I will have to wait til next year.
They do have plenty of sit-down dining options open. It was side with no meet-and-greets and no fireworks, , but it had short lines and still had the Disney Magic! (We just got back from a five day trip)
Great tips! Fantastic idea to use a carabiner for the masks! I hope you have a wonderful time!
Love the carribeaner tip!
My friend has a trip booked for November, and is wondering if all of the protocols will still be in place. His kid has sensory issues, so the mask might be a deal-breaker.
They can get an exception to use a face shield instead! They just have to talk to a cast member at or before park entry.
I didn’t know they made fans that you could recharge with a USB cord. Great tip. Thanks.
Looks like some great products & suggestions for your travels! Be safe!!
Oh my gosh those Disney masks are so cute! And for sure, have to bring wipes and hand sanitizer. But I didn’t know they had fans to clip onto strollers. Where has that been the last 10 years that I’ve been pushing a stroller?! LOL! Have fun on your trip! So exciting to be able to travel again.
Great list! We were there at the end of June when just Disney Springs and the DVC resorts were open and had a great time. I love Disney with no crowds.
Love Disney, we are heading there in April with our grandkids. Great packing list – sad we have to pack masks!e
Maybe we will be lucky enough that masks will be gone by April?!?!
I haven’t even been to Disney once, I couldn’t imagine going three times in one year!
I love it and it will actually be three completely different trips–one with just one kid, one with grandkids, and one with my husband. I can promise…those three trips will be nothing alike even though we are at the same place!
I feel like no matter what I pack, I always forget something. I usually have a mom bag that’s ready for any scenario but taking day trips with the kids seem to always result in me not having the right gear. I like the idea of breath mints! Enjoy your Disney trips. Hopefully we can go next year!
My backpack is my mom bag! I can’t travel without it!!
I have been collecting masks for a few months now. I ordered the Disney set back in May and they are (finally) due to arrive this week. I don’t remember what size I ordered, so I hope they fit if you’re saying they run small! At least I have some homemade Disney print ones, too!
I love a good Disney World check list. It is a whole new experience now.
It definitely will be a different experience (but I can’t wait to go)!!
Great ideas on what to take.
Looks like you have found some great products to make your trip fun and safe!
I found the gum tidbit to be interesting. I had no idea!
I like the idea of the carribeaners – we leave in 3 days for a trip and I’m wondering if my kids are going to end up losing their masks so I’m going to buy us a few to keep them attached when they aren’t being worn. Great tip.
I use carribeaners, sandwich bags, safety pins, and binder clips for about anything when I travel! Those are my personal necessities!!
Great list of supplies for a Disney trip!
Having a poncho is so crucial! My brother-in-law went to Disney for his honeymoon and it rained for most of their trip.
Yep! I never travel without one. I don’t wear one at home, but it seems like I wear one every time we travel!
Have a great time! Thanks for all the tips!
Wow, you have a lot of fun coming up! I love the carabiner idea for holding masks. Going to try that on my purse, since I bring masks everywhere these days! Not traveling yet, but hope to again soon. Stay safe on your travels!
Carribeaners are a great idea. That’s something we never remember to bring, but I can see how they would be useful.
Great ideas not only for Disney but for any little trip as well. Love the fans that connect – very neat. Thanks for the suggestions.