Fantastic Fall Fun Family Challenge–2021 reboot


What’s more fun than spending time with your family?? Spending that time completing fun Fall Family Challenge activities!

See how many of these ten activities you can do with your family and count up your points! You have the opportunity to earn a total of 44 points!

Two points each…

Watch a Halloween Movie Together

Halloweentown is one of my family’s favorite Halloween, though Hocus Pocus is probably a bit more popular! However, any Halloween movie will do!!

Bob for Apples

Need we say more?!?!? Bobbing for apples is a fun and easy activity to do with kids of any ages. I even threw vampire teeth in with the apples so the kids could pick between teeth or an apple (or both)!!

Three points each…

Bake or make something pumpkin-flavored

We love pumpkin muffins for breakfast and snacks at our house!!

Make fall decorations with your family

I have always done crafts and activities for every holiday with my own children and now I get to share the fun with my grandchildren too!! The kiddos were painting their own pumpkins instead of carving by themselves! Whew!

Check out this post for more fun family activities with YOUR family!

Four points each…

Look at pictures of Halloweens past and recall the good memories you had together as a family

I love pictures and photo albums and the memories Facebook offers us on a daily basis. I love reminiscing about the fun we had together in the past and planning new activities to do in the future!

Go through a corn maze as a family

We live in Southern Indiana and LOVE going to Holiday World for our summer and fall fun!! This picture if from the corn maze they have at the theme park during their Happy Halloweekends in September and October each year!

Five points each…

Carve pumpkins

In the process of carving the pumpkins…..

The finished Jack-o-Lanterns!

Roast your pumpkin seeds after you carve your pumpkins

Eight points each…

Our family and my previous Girl Scout Troop (previous because my girls are in college now) have always enjoyed collecting items for local agencies that are in need.

One of the agencies we have collected food, collected clothes, and worked in their clothing banks is the Evansville Christian Life Center. They have many services to offer people in need, including their food and clothing bank. What charities do you have in your area??

My Girls Scouts after dropping off items they collected for the agency!

Donate clothing

Clean out your closet and donate items you do not use or do not want to a local clothing bank or homeless shelter

My Girl Scouts taking a tour of the clothing bank before volunteering there for the day!

Donate food

Purchase and/or collect canned goods for a local food bank’s Thanksgiving drive or daily food services that they offer to those in need.

Canned foods are fun and easy to collect going door to door in the neighborhood
This time my Girl Scouts collected food and household items to donate to the agency

Total up your points by November 30, 2021, and share your total in the comments section of this page!!

Remember…you can earn a total of 44 points by doing all of the ten challenges listed above!

You can also share a picture of your family completing this challenge on our Facebook page!!

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36 thoughts on “Fantastic Fall Fun Family Challenge–2021 reboot”

  1. Wow! Tons of fun activities in there – and I never thought to do the whole point thing before. I specifically enjoy the roasting pumpkin seeds or looking for pictures from previous Halloweens.

  2. oh i absolutely love how you made up a points system and created a contest/challenge! as our family is quite competitive, I think we’ll score high this year! thank you!

  3. These are all great ideas of fun Halloween and Fall things we can do as a family, we will have to make a challenge for our family!

    1. I’m really big on teaching my children to help others. We do activities throughout the year and we always donate food items before we go on vacation, teaching the children if we have enough money to travel we have enough to do something for someone else.

    1. My kids have always enjoyed bobbing for apples…the youngest are teens now, so they are a bit less into it than when they were younger.

  4. Love this list! Wanted to add you can take your unwanted/old towels and sheets to a local animal shelter or pet rescue place as they usually need them for bedding. Thank you for sharing! I’m a Nightmare before Christmas fan for Halloween Movies 🙂

    1. I agree about towels and blankets. We have done that too. My younger daughter even did her Girl Scout Gold Award project around helping and donating to our local animal shelters.

  5. What a cute post idea! Such great ideas for a family trying to create quality time together. BTW my husband baked pumpkin seeds last year and left them in the over (oven off) for 2 days! He forgot to take them out. Yours look SOOO much better! 😉

  6. Haha, my son went as a “cereal killer” a couple years ago! I love that you let your older kids trick or treat too! I have never stopped mine from going they all just decided on their own when they didn’t want to go anymore. My oldest even went at 18! Halloween is the best!

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