We are our children’s biggest support! We are their cheerleaders! They need us to be willing to support them
Rain and weather changes are just a part of life. Now make your plans, enjoy your trip, and be ready to be flexible enough to make necessary changes in your plans as needed!
A large part of the joy of family traditions is when we all can talk about them and remember other times we experienced those same traditions.
I often have parents ask what they can do to help their children be successful once they have been diagnosed with an attention disorder.
I love family traditions! Big Tradition! Small Traditions! It does not matter to me. I love the special things that make our family ours. Creating family traditions is both easy and fun!
Does my child have ADHD? What’s wrong with my child? Is my child just “bad”? Is my child’s teacher too strict? These are questions
Sharing whatever you enjoy with your child and family makes the best memories because it comes easily, and you already know it will be fun and enjoyable!
Family Travel is the BEST! First and foremost…I LOVE TO TRAVEL! Seeing new things! Trying new foods! Enjoying the drive
It is good to give kids choices whenever possible. This teaches children to make choices and allows them to have some independence.