As a clinical psychologist with fifteen years of experience and seven kids, I have a massive amount of experience dealing with children!! All of my education, training and real-life experience as a parent is all in addition to having a child of my own that struggles with an attention disorder.
I got into the mental health field to help people and my education and practical experience make me the best person to be guiding others on better ways to manage their children and manage their stress–especially when it comes to ADHD!!
So let’s get started!

What is ADHD??
ADHD stands for Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder. It is a diagnosis given by a medical doctor, psychologist, or psychiatrist when a child (or adult) meets the criteria for an attention disorder and these symptoms do not appear to be better explained by another issue (such as anxiety, depression, or low intelligence).

So, How do I know if my child has ADHD or just normal attention and focus difficulties for a child his age? The DSM-5 criteria for ADHD specifically state the following must be present to make a diagnosis of an attention disorder. Here are the DSM criteria:

Inattention: Six or more symptoms of inattention for children age sixteen or younger and five or more for individuals seventeen and older. Symptoms of inattention have been present for at least 6 months and must be inappropriate for developmental level.
- Often makes careless mistakes or does not pay attention to detail
- Often has trouble sustaining attention
- Often does not seem to listen when directly spoken to
- Often does not follow through on instructions or directions
- Often is unorganized
- Often avoids or dislikes tasks that require sustained mental effort
- Often loses important possessions
- Often easily distracted
- Often forgetful

Hyperactive and Impulsive
Hyperactivity and Impulsivity: Six or more symptoms of hyperactivity-impulsivity for children age sixteen or younger and five or more for individuals seventeen and older. Symptoms of hyperactivity-impulsivity must present for at least 6 months to an extent that is disruptive and inappropriate for the developmental level:
- Often fidgets or squirms
- Often leaves his/her seat when expected to remain seated
- Often runs about or climbs in situations where it is not appropriate
- Often unable to play quietly.
- Is often “on the go” or “driven by a motor”
- Often talks excessively
- Often blurts out an answer before questions are finished
- Often has trouble waiting for his or her turn
- Often interrupts or intrudes on other’s conversations

What Makes Parenting an ADHD Child so Difficult?
Parenting, in general, is challenging, but parenting a child with an attention disorder can be even more challenging.

1-They have more (physical) energy than you
Enough said! They need less sleep than you do (typically) and they have more energy than you or they know what to do with.

2-You have to repeat yourself 1000 times
They forget what you say and what they are expected to do, even if it is daily tasks they’ve done the majority of their lives such as brushing their teeth when they get up in the morning! This can be frustrating and exhausted and something you deal with every day!
And no matter how loud or soft-spoken you are, it doesn’t matter….they still forget!

3-School calls
Do you dread answering your phone during the day because it’s probably school calling you? I’ve been there–done that! It’s stressful enough to deal with issues at home, but then to always have to worry about what is going on in school and why the teacher may call today increases that stress even more.
Still to this day, I avoid answering my phone during the day and my ADHD kid is in college now! It definitely won’t be his professors calling me about anything! LOL (And he has, thankfully, grown out of his mischievousness a few years ago!)
Pro Tip: This may be a good time to see if your child qualifies for an Individualized Education Program (IEP) or 504 Plan at school to get some additional assistance!

4-Sometimes you feel like you’re talking to a wall
Even when they make eye contact, they are probably not fully paying attention to you. They probably aren’t even paying enough attention to understand what you are saying or asking, so there is no way they can do what you want which will lead to both you and your child being more frustrated with the situation!
Pro tips: Have your child repeat back what you told him or her to do. If the child cannot repeat back, then the child can NOT do what you just asked!

5-They drain your (mental) energy.
With all of these stressors present, in addition to all of the normal parenting struggles, parenting a child with an attention disorder can be not only physically draining, but mentally draining as well! They don’t stop moving, talking, interrupting, pestering, or getting themselves into trouble unless they are sleeping! They constantly do things they know they are not supposed to do, even if it’s things that might cause them to get hurt. They seem to have no filter and no sense of danger. It’s tiring just to think about it!

What Can I Do To Make Parenting My ADHD Child Less Stressful?
Just like parenting can be challenging, it can be stressful as well. Here are some great tips to help make parenting just a little less stressful!

1-Be patient
Be patient with your child, but also be patient with yourself and your partner. Having a child with ADHD can be stressful for everyone in the home. Make sure you are taking time to stay connected with your partner, rather than battling your partner.

2-Give yourself a break
Don’t be so hard on yourself. It’s ok to feel frustrated and overwhelmed at times. Any child demands a lot of your time and energy, but kids with an attention disorder demand even more.
- You are only human
- It’s ok to be human
- It’s ok to have emotions, just manage and express them appropriately

3-Find alternatives to repeating yourself
Repeating yourself 1000 times can become frustrating for both you and your child. To help lessen frustration while still having reminders, try some of the following ideas:
- Make to-do lists your child needs to check off daily.
- Leave lists of morning or evening routine tasks (ex. brush teeth) on the bathroom mirror, your child’s bedroom door, or any other location your child will easily see.
- Keep a wall calendar up-to-date so your child knows what to expect daily.
- Use a whiteboard to write down tasks your child needs to do that day and then let them check them off as they are accomplished
- Put your child on a positive reinforcement program
- Make sure you are using good communication skills to get your point across

4-Make sure you have self-care and/or a support system
Self-care is often difficult for parents and keeping contact with friends tends to be even more challenging. However, these are some of the most important things you can do to take care of yourself because it’s hard to take care of others when your needs aren’t met.
Here are some quick and easy ideas for keeping up with your self-care:
- Take this five-day self-care challenge
- Take fifteen minutes a day to do something you enjoy
- Talk, text, message, etc…another adult in your life that you enjoy spending time with
- Eat something healthy
- Drink more water
- Walk or get some other form of exercise
- Get enough sleep
- Listen to your favorite music while doing chores
- Spend time with other adults
- Spend time with your significant other (both inside and outside the bedroom)
- Learn more strategies to help your child

5-Focus on the positives in your child
Sometimes it’s difficult to look for the positives when you are drowning in stress and negatives, but I promise the positives are there…even if they are a little hidden!
Here are a few things you can do to help you find those positives, even on the bad days:
- Look for the little things: did they put their own dish in the sink? Did they remember to brush their teeth? Did the teacher NOT call today?
- Keep a journal that only lists the good things about your child. Fill in one or two every day and then you can look back on this on the most stressful days.
- Set the stage for good things! Take five minutes a day to spend with your child doing something your child enjoys. No punishments take this time away. It’s just positive time that becomes part of the daily routine.
- Do fun activities together outside of the house
- Volunteer together or as a family

You CAN do this!
Parenting is challenging, but it’s only one stage in life. You can do this! You can make it through the ups and downs! You can even have fun in the process!
Come join our Facebook parent support group to share your fears, dreams, good days, bad days, and more with other people who really know what you are going through!

For more ideas for making life and parenting just a little bit easier, check out my book! The e-book version is available on this website. The paperback version is

Yes! I have a child with ADHD and often feel judged. People who haven’t experienced what it is like for both the child with ADHD and the parent really can”t understand. Punishing him for not sitting still or completing work isn’t helpful. We need different strategies and it takes him longer to do most things. He’s a great kid who needs support!
Yes. Kids with ADHD face different challenges all day, every day
Here in NJ, most children with ADHD can qualify for a 504 plan (different than an IEP) to provide accommodations that level the playing field a bit. I went through the process with my son, who is now enrolled in an honors program in high school. It takes some adjustments and strategizing, but the sky can be the limit for these wonderful kids!
Yes! 504 Plans are more commonly given when a child only has an attention disorder and not other issues was well.
These are wonderful and caring tips for parenting ADHD kids! It’s all about helping them thrive.
It truly is!
No easy task. Kudos to the the love & patience of parents !
It definitely takes a lot of patience!
I love the conclusion, parenting is hard but you can do it. Resonates with this mom of four young children. My second son is a delight and sometimes, well, a pain! He’s not been diagnosed with anything, I think he’s just being a boy! Anyway thanks for the reminder that this is a stage that will pass.
It is only one stage and it’s such a quick stage….my baby turns 18 this year.
I worked in a school for children on the spectrum. The teachers and parents are amazing!
It’s always wonderful when you have teachers and staff that truly care about the kids!
Wow there’s so much behind ADHD, I really appreciate this article because it sheds light on a term people use so lightly and commonly.
Yes! It can be very challenging! And, sad to say, many people don’t realize how challenging it can be.
Great informative post! We unfortunately did not recognize these ADHD signs and patterns in our oldest until she was an adult and came to work for me as my office assistant. She is now working with a therapist and trying some meds to get more focus in her life. “#5-They drain your (mental) energy” is spot on! LOL
Yes! Mine definitely drained my mental energy when he was little. I still tell him I didn’t think I could keep him alive until the age of three because he was always into something! (He’s almost 19 and has learned to manage his symptoms much better now)
This is wonderful. I love that you tried to touch on everything that might be hard to understand. And you also touched on the fact that you may need a break at times and it’s OKAY. So many moms and dads get frustrated and then feel guilty. What a nice informative read. Thank you!
Thanks! I hate to hear that parents don’t think they need a break ever…like in 18 years…but I hear it more than you could imagine (I work in a mental health clinic). I dislike that as much as I dislike parents telling me they can’t tell their children “no!”
These are great. Figuring out ways to repeat yourself without actually repeating yourself is a good one. So is self-care. Situations like this require so much mental work, that we have to give ourselves a break and some love
I always like the novel ways to get your point across to your kids and teach them independence at the same time!
I like that you first mentioned the diagnosis is given by a medical professional. My son’s second-grade teacher told me that he was ADHD and suggested I have him medicated. I am happy to say that I stuck to my guns and did not choose this route. In the third grade, he was diagnosed with a learning disability that had nothing to do with ADHD. Had I followed her suggestion, prompted by a dislike for active little boys, we would have never learned the truth.
That is exactly why testing is so very important! Lots of things can look like ADHD when they’re not!
Such helpful and encouraging information! Raising or being one with ADD/ADHD isn’t always easy!
Yes. It’s definitely a challenge for our kids in school these days. We just need to be able to understand them and meet them where they are so they get their emotional and educational needs met.
This is a great article! My sister has two kids diagnosed with ADHD… so I completely get it. It isn’t easy, and there is no quick fix, but if you can make time for yourself to recharge and refocus, its one of the best things you can do for your kids.
So very true!
Great information! I can only imagine how much more of a struggle it is right now with everyone being at home more. I know my kids have a lot more pent up energy over this last year.
Yes! That’s where creative parenting comes in. Finding ways to help kids keep busy and stimulated in positive ways to help them from getting themselves into trouble because they’re bored. One thing I enjoyed doing when my kids were in elementary school is letting them slide around the kitchen floors in their swimsuits in the winter. WE added a little soap to make it more fun and the floors got clean at the same time! This is something my kids remember to this day and I will definitely do with my grandkids!
Great advice! I think the biggest thing is to not get stressed about it
It is, but it can be very challenging at times. That’s why self-care is so very important!
It is soooo challenging, but it’s important for us to take it moment by moment and celebrate small successes.
Yes! Parents definitely need to celebrate any wins, small and large! There are only 24 hours in a day and the more we fill with happiness and positivity the less we fill with other things.
We live in a blended family of 6 which 2 of our sons live with ADHD. Its not easy for us so I can’t imagine how difficult living day by day is for them. The best quality anyone can have is to be empathic with them. Great read!
Thanks! It’s so important to meet them where they are and help them learn what they need to be successful and happy in life.
Lists help with so many things!
I agree with that completely! I’m all about lists!!
All wonderful recommendations! I can only imagine the challenges faced by parents dealing with any special needs!
Parenting is difficult many times, but adding the extra challenges of special needs increases the stress for everyone–kids and parents.
This was an inspirational post and I don’t have ADHD children. You had some wise advice. One part reminded me of the idea that children have two buckets they need filled daily: love and power. Also, bonus points for mentioning self care as a means to cope. Thanks for your ideas.
The bucket concept is very true! They need to find that balance so they can learn to make good choices and be independent when they are older.
The checklist idea is a great one for teaching personal responsibility. My daughter was a kindergarten teacher, and employed many of these techniques with her very young students.
That’s great! They really do work and they work well!! I’ve used them through the years with my kids and with my clients.
Anything we as parents can do to make our job more successful, we need to accomplish! Great advice!
Yes! That is my goal! I like being able to help parents and families!
I don’t mean to laugh but I read the checklist items and thought, “hmm… this all sounds like my husband”!!! haha so I sent him the lists with no context & asked him how many items he thinks represent him, he said “9”! So, thank you for helping me to better understand why I get frustrated with him & how to better approach certain situations 😀
That’s too funny!
Great information for understanding what’s going on and how you should deal with it. Thanks for sharing.
These are all wonderful tips. I plan to pass them on to friends and family with ADHD children. Thanks for sharing.
Please feel free to share! I’m glad I can be helpful!
Thank you for the great information! ADHD can be misdiagnosed as autism, and vice a versa so seeing a specialist is really important!
I agree with that completely! I do testing several times a week to make that differential diagnosis for my clients. Testing is definitely so very important to confirm the correct diagnosis!