It had been YEARS since I last visited Holiday World & Splashin’ Safari. Holiday World is a theme park that is about an hour from where I grew up. It’s located in Santa Claus, Indiana and each section is dedicated to a holiday (Halloween, Fourth of July, Thanksgiving, and, of course, Christmas)!
I began going to Holiday World with my siblings and parents when I was in the second grade.

My childhood experiences
As a child, I remember spending many summer days riding the roller coasters and sliding down the water slides. Truth be told, I totally thought I was an adrenaline junky (as much an adrenaline junky could be at ten years old).
I remember seeing The Raven (their first wooden roller coaster) and being terrified yet excited for the ride. I remember when The Voyage (the fastest and longest wooden roller coaster they had and have) debuted. Moreover, I remember when the Thanksgiving Section of the park and The Gobbler Getaway opened,
There were so many rides! We spent several days a summer there and I looked forward to every trip!

One tradition for my family was eating powdered sugar donuts as soon as we got to the amusement park.
We also played the game “Who-Can-Spot-The-Voyage-First”, sometimes the winner of this game would get the first donut. From powdered sugar donuts to picnic lunches, to rides, and all the soda we could drink, Holiday World created many fond memories in my childhood.

Now, the memories will continue with my children.

Who knew that in the matter years I would be taking my own children to Holiday World too?! I must say, it is a whole different experience going to Holiday World as a mother.

First off, I can say goodbye to waiting in long lines for roller coasters. I swapped my wait for roller coasters to await for the Merry Go ‘Round. But, I also swapped my enjoyment of riding rides for my enjoyment in watching my children experience new things. One of my favorite moments from our trip was watching my son get excited about all the roller coasters and fun rides.

I cannot wait to see them grow and enjoy the same type of excitement I experienced as a child. Who knows, maybe new traditions of powdered donuts and picnic lunches will emerge!
2020 Season Pass….here we come!
I’ve gone from this:

To this: