It seems as though we are all looking for that hidden gem, the best advice for mothers. The hidden gem that will give is the secret to parenthood. I’m sorry to burst your bubble, but the gem does not exist. I know. We all want that easy button. The truth is that parenting is hard. So hard.
Hi, I’m Emily Sewell from Intentionally Well. I love to share my journey of homeschooling, homemaking, all the while encouraging mothers in their parenting journey. Also, I have a confession. I am writing this on a particularly hard day of mothering.

My youngest, who is only four, has been particularly screamy (for lack of a better word) the last week or so. Furthermore, my seven-year-old has taken to having nightmares in the night and finding her way into our bed. Of course, this leads to less sleep for everyone. Having to focus so much on my younger two children then gives my mom guilt that I am not paying enough attention to my oldest, who is nine years old. It’s a lot. However, in spite of everything, I want to share with you the best advice for mothers I ever received.

Close the Books and Listen to Your Child
The noise around parenthood can be deafening. Voices and opinions are everywhere, whether you go looking for them or not. When I was a new mother, a dear friend told me to close the books and listen to my baby. I forget the specific challenge I was facing at the time, but this mantra has stuck with me for nearly a decade. Sweet friend, no one knows your child like you do. As a person of faith, I believe that God has chosen me to mother these babies and thus has equipped me to do so. I believe that about you too. It’s amazing how clear parenting decisions can become once you quiet the outside noise. Trust your gut, mama.

Motherhood Comes in Seasons
Secondly, the best advice for mothers I believe is to approach motherhood as seasons. The phrase, “the days are long, but the years are short,” is so true. I do my best to live on purpose with purpose every day. Being goal-oriented is how I approach life. I really thrive when I have something I am working towards.
I have applied this to motherhood and family life as well and found this approach really beneficial. For example, if I want to have more family bonding opportunities, then I might try out family game nights for three months or so. Then, I will assess how that is going and determine if family game nights are something we want to keep in place, or if I need to try something else.

Seeing motherhood in seasons also helps with the immense overwhelm we can easily feel in the baby and toddler years. Take it all in three-month increments. This helps because young children’s wants and needs are forever changing anyways.
I hope this has encouraged you and given you confidence in your mothering journey. The fact that you are reading this post shows how willing you are to do the hard and holy work of motherhood. You are doing a good job friend. Promise. I would love to hear from you in the comments below. What is the best advice for mothers that you have received?

For More Parenting Tips:
Here are some more great resources for you!
The Best Parenting Tips for an ADHD Child

The Top Five Parenting Strategies

Tips for when the Kids Repeatedly Say “I’m Bored”

Journaling is another great way to practice self-care! Here is my favorite journal and, of course, it’s the one I developed! This is the journal I created with self-care in mind! There are journal prompts, spaces for self-exploration, and more! Be sure to check it out!