Looking for some fun and unique entertainment for your family this fall? Check out Holiday World and Splashin’ Safari! Holiday World is a theme park located in southern Indiana that focuses on…wait for it…HOLIDAYS!
They are decorated for holidays (Halloween, Thanksgiving, Fourth of July, and Christmas) all year long. But, they add much more to their themed theme park during September and October each year! Our family definitely looks forward to when the Happy Halloween Weekends return each year! They add a little more fun to an already fun park!

Holiday World & Splashin’ Safari
Holiday World is always a fun place to visit. However, it’s more fun when you can dress up in Halloween costumes!
They add more decorations throughout the park.

They have new park maps for Happy Halloween Weekends and add all the new attractions to highlight the additional attractions! The seasonal attractions include hayrides, haunted houses, and so much more throughout September and October each year!

Nonetheless, all of the typical features of Holiday World remain. Some of the best of those normal features are great rides, free parking, and free drinks! YES! Free drinks!

The majority of the regular rides are open during Happy Halloween Weekends! Roller coasters, kiddie rides, the playground, and most other typical attractions are available.

Check out the amazing roller coaster in the background!

However, some rides and attractions are slightly re-themed for Halloween! For example, the carousel turned into the SCAROUSEL! A nice little twist on the ordinary!

Special Attractions for Halloween
Not only are the regular attractions available (and themed), but many additional attractions have also been added!

Trick or Treating!
Splashin’ Safari is the waterpark at Holiday World and it’s one of the best water parks in the midwest! However, it’s closed in the fall because it’s too cold in Indiana for a waterpark.

However, since it’s closed for the season there is plenty of extra room! And they definitely put the area to good use! They use it for trick-or-treating!

There are several stations set up to pass out candy and gourds to the kiddos!

They have “houses” set up in the locker areas of the waterpark where staff pass out goodies to the kids!

They also have adorable picture spots for all to enjoy! I really enjoy all of the colorful, painted hay bales!

Musical Performances
There are always stage shows at Holiday World. However, those performances change to Halloween-themed shows!

The shows are always good, but I enjoy the Halloween-themed ones the most!!

The show and costumes are amazing! Plus, the performers are really good, especially for such a small town in the middle of corn fields!

Family-Friendly Haunted Houses–Carnival of Chaos
The Carnival of Chaos seems like a terrifying name, but it was actually not as scary as it sounded! There were no clowns jumping out at you. There were lots of banging and loud noises, but nothing jumped out at you, thankfully!

Really…no clowns jumped out at you!

Bonus: It ended with a mirror maze that was super fun! I’ve never experienced one of these locally before! My first one was in the Mall of America. I had never even heard of them before then!

Family Friendly Haunted Houses–Halloween Adventure
The next haunted adventure was a 3-D walk-through attraction! They give you 3-D glasses to walk through with, but you don’t NEED them.

The 3-D glasses offer a new perspective and the pictures/decorations seem pop-out at you, but you can see them just fine without the glasses. (My grandkids wouldn’t put them on, that’s for sure!)

On the negative side, photographs of people did not turn out well at all with all of the 3-D images in the background!

Pictures without people turned out just fine.

However, pictures with people….not so much.

One Last Family Friendly Haunted House– Scare BNB
Our last haunted house with the Scare BNB. They used the queue line from a ride they no longer use to set up the haunted house. It was a good use of unused space!

It really was set up like a home/hotel inside!

“Beds” included!

As well as an odd maze made of jail-like bars. Not sure what the purpose of that was, but my grandson sure loved it!

Bonus: Here is our very brave four-year-old grandson who made it through his first haunted house of the year with no problem!! He was so proud of himself and wanted his picture with the wolf! (He LOVES wolves!)

Two-year-old sister was not as pleased with her experience and refused a picture…

Hay Ride and Corn Maze
Now, who doesn’t like hayrides??!?! We had to wait for almost 40 minutes to ride, but it was a top choice with our kiddos!
I was happy that they had benches, as well as hay bales, to sit on. My legs are never pleased with sitting on hay, so I was thrilled there were benches in the trailer this year!

I’m not sure if my granddaughter is saying Happy Halloween or sharing her true thoughts about the hayride… The joys of being two!

The hayride takes you to a corn maze. A huge corn maze! Did I mention Holiday World is located in the middle of several corn fields?!?!

The corn maze is fun for kids of all ages! It’s never been my personal favorite, but EVERYONE else seems to enjoy it!

Last but not least….Picture Spots!
I’m a HUGE fan of taking pictures and there are several picture spots set up just for Happy Halloween Weekends!
Various hay bales throughout the park are happily painted to bring Halloween joy! (Did I mention they are my favorite?!?!)

Real pumpkins and cute jack-o-lantern statues are located all throughout the park.

They are all great picture spots, even for the tired and crabby ones who don’t want their picture taken!

We hope you enjoy your Halloween Weekends as much as we did! Holiday World is a great place to visit during the spring, summer, and fall seasons. However, it’s even more amazing during their Happy Halloween Weekends!

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Wow! A theme park with free drinks? This looks like a great place to enjoy Halloween.
I LOVE the free drinks! I like being able to get the kids whatever and not worrying if they spill it or not!
What a fun park to play in! I so love this time of year.
Me too! I enjoy fall!
Love this! My favorite time of year is October through December and I love everything about all of it!! This park looks so cool! What a fun day!
The park is great and I think it’s even better this time of year!
Looks like a fun place for Halloween fans, especially young ones!
It definitely is! It’s not a huge park, but it’s plenty big enough to spend the day.