Get yours while the sale is on!
I’m running several New Year’s Promotions to get my book out to as many parents and guardians as possible!

I’m a clinical psychologist and mom/step-mom of seven! I’ve learned through the years what works to make life and parenting easier and what leads to life being more challenging!
How Many Times Do I Have to Repeat Myself? is where I’ve been able to share my best tips and tricks in all one place! It’s full of strategies that really work to make parenting and family life easier and more enjoyable! You can find out more details about my book here!
Check out an excerpt from my book here!

PDF Version
What the electronic version?
No Kindle? No problem!
You can get the PDF version of my book at 75% off with coupon code NewYear to purchase How Many Times Do I Have to Repeat Myself? from our website! This coupon code is good until January 31, 2021!
The pdf version on our website has better (in my opinion) downloadable handouts than the Kindle version, but both offer the same great information!

Amazon Kindle
This version is the lowest price for the moment!
From NOW until January 2, 2021 the Amazon Kindle version of my book is only $1.99!
From January 3 -January 7, 2021 the Amazon Kindle version is $2.99
It goes back to regular price on January 8, 2021!
**Like I said above, I believe the pdf version has better handouts due to formatting differences with the Kindle version. Due to that, the pdf downloads are available on our website if you want to check those out!

If you would like the paperback version, it’s available on Amazon!
Follow the link below and check it out!
My favorite version is the paperback! I still like being able to hold a book and mark pages with Post-Its as needed!