Most people experience anxiety at some time in their lives. Some only experience anxiety during very stressful situations or events in their lives, while others experience anxiety on a daily basis. Of the people who experience anxiety on a daily basis, some are able to function, going about their daily lives, and no one is the wiser. Others who experience anxiety on a daily basis are not able to leave their homes due to being so anxious. However, the majority fall somewhere in between these two extremes.
The way in which anxiety affects individuals varies for many different reasons. These differences may be due to genetic factors (family history of anxiety), resiliency (the ability to recover from or adjust to change), current life stresses, and several other possible factors that impact the individual person directly.
However, there are strategies that may lessen the duration and frequency of anxiety

The following are some key suggestions that many people find helpful when it comes to managing their anxiety!

1. Deep Breathing
Yes….it sounds cliche, but it can work! The idea behind taking deep breaths helps to lower heart rate and blood pressure. Lowering heart rate and blood pressure can help to decrease anxiety by helping you physically feel less anxious, especially since anxiety tends to raise heart rate and blood pressure. It’s one of many ways to help our bodies relax.

If deep breathing sounds too silly, especially if you are in public, try something as simple as stopping and taking a drink of water. This allows you to have an excuse to pause, take that deep breath or two, take your drink of water, and then resume with your previous activities. It becomes your excuse to take that deep breath or two without seeming like you are just taking deep breaths for no reason.

2. Distraction
Distraction simply suggests that you allow yourself to focus on something that is less stressful at the time you are experiencing the anxiety. Some people choose a specific mental picture to think about when they are anxious, such as a beach scene or favorite person in their lives.

Others redirect their attention to a less anxiety-provoking solution to their problem or worry. For example, they may be worried that they will get into a car accident if they drive their car, so they pause to take a couple of deep breaths and remind themselves that car travel is statistically a safe form of transportation. Another example would be if they are worried about not passing a test or doing poorly at a business meeting, they would change their focus to the amount of time they prepared for the meeting or test and not focus on their fear of failure.

3. Exercise
Exercise is probably not the best tactic during a panic attack or other high anxiety situations, but it can help to decrease your anxiety overall. Exercising increases the good chemicals in our bodies and helps us feel better physically and mentally. Exercise can also help with sleep, also causing us to feel less anxious because we are more rested. Additionally, it is a way to get our minds off our worries and focus on becoming healthier overall.

4. Self-Care
Self-care can be one tactic that many of us do not consider to be important, especially if we have others to take care of in our lives. However, it is even more important when we have others to care for because we need to be able to take care of ourselves to take care of others.
Self-care can be as simple as doing something you like each day or once a week. It can be making sure that you get exercise so you feel and are healthier. It can be choosing to eat healthily and get enough sleep. Self-care can also be the fun aspects of life! Spending time with your family, taking a vacation, or just sleeping in one day. It simply means taking care of yourself and doing what you need to feel and function better.

This is the main way that self-care can lead to less anxiety. When you take time for yourself, you feel better and are better able to handle the life stressors that lead to increased anxiety. Additionally, self-care means getting rid of tasks that make you anxious by delegating to others or simply saying “no” to that extra job task or commitment someone else wants you to make.

5. Social Support
Another great way to help manage anxiety is to utilize your social support network. This means talking with your friends about your stress and troubles. Do fun activities that you enjoy with family and friends, even if this is only a distraction from your current stress and worries. Spend time with people who are positive influences and spend less time with people that put you down or make you feel bad about yourself.

Therapy and/or medication are additional options if needed
Sometimes anxiety can be too much for any one person to handle alone. That is NOT a sign of weakness. However, it is a sign of needing additional assistance.

If you are unable to manage your anxiety on your own, contact your primary care physician and discuss his or her recommendations. Many times a low dose of anti-depressant or anti-anxiety can be a good way to help manage chronic stress and reduce anxiety. Therapy is also beneficial to help you develop a better outlook on yourself and on your life while learning additional coping skills to better manage your stress and anxiety.

For more information about what to expect when you start therapy, you can check out our post about this!
You can also check out another post we have about taking care of yourself and relieving stress!

For more anxiety management techniques, check out our mini-course!

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Check out more about anxiety and anxiety management here:

These are all such great tips, especially reaching out to support. I usually do that one first
Distraction works best for me at the moment ~ but I do love to just sit in my rocker and breathe…but I guess the rocking works as a distraction, too. LOL.
Great ideas!! Exercise always helps me come to peace with my anxiety.
Exercise really helps me and thanks for this article – great reminder for me to get out there !
great ideas. thank you
Great suggestions. I need to use distraction more often with my kids at school.
Excellent tips!
Great ideas! I usually use deep breathing and essential oils when I can if I’m experiencing anxiety. I try to take care of myself to help prevent it.
Self-care is so important, and so is getting medicine and therapy if people feel like their anxiety is more than they can handle. I need to incorporate exercise into my regular routine. It’s hard for me to do in the winter when it’s so cold outside, but I’m sure you are right, and it would help in the long run.
Deep breathing is my go-to for so many different emotions, including anxiety!
Anxiety can be paralyzing. Thank you for the tips to help with it.
Excellent tips! I think finding a good support system is good for whatever ails you.
Great advise. I think the social support applies to anything in life, you need to surround yourself with good friends that you can count on.
Great ideas! Thanks for sharing!
Pranayama (breathing techniques) yoga, and meditation is a wonderful way to reduce stress and anxiety issues. They are a go to for when I’m feeling overwhelmed.
Great piece – exercise is so key!
These are great ideas. My go to is distraction!
Some good tips for managing what life throws at us
Great tips, meditation and taking a little time for myself has done wonders! Thanks for sharing 🙂
this is all great advice especially self-care! it’s super important to care for ourselves at all times!
I like the social support sometimes you just need someone to say everything will be okay!
ABSOLUTELY! Sometimes those are the most magical words in the entire world!!
Great tips! Sometimes it takes several of these at one time!
Thank you and absolutely!!
Exercise is so beneficial, such a good reminder that it’s more than just for fitness!
Yes! It’s the double benefit of physical health and mental health!
Great advice! I have never had a problem with anxiety but I have a lot of friends and family members that do, some of this would make wonderful gifts!
Anxiety is a real thing. Even though I have a Ph.D. in psychology, anxiety caught me off guard during a high-stress time in my life. Thank you for sharing these important strategies to help deal with it.
Great tips on anxiety! Thank you for sharing!
All good tips. Breathing is my go to — and not trying to run from the anxiety. Meditation has helped so much, and social support is huge.
Self-care and distraction are definitely my go-to’s to manage anxiety if I have the day at home to myself to relax. Great article!