Target College Registry
College move-in day is always fun, exciting, and sweaty! So many things to get moved from her previous home to her new dorm room! I honestly didn’t realize how much STUFF she fit into her small dorm room! (At least she has no roommate, but there is no way there would be room for anyone or anything else!!)

Target College Registry

The First Views
Seeing the first views of her new home for the year is always exciting! It’s a new start to life and to figuring out what she wants to do and who she wants to become.
Seeing her new room for the first time! It is definitely an upgrade from last year! This year she even has a dorm with air conditioning (yes…she had no air conditioning last year).

She even ended up with a room that had its own private bathroom! If she had a bigger bed it would be about like living at home again rather than in a dorm!

I don’t remember college dorms being quite this nice!

She has a great view and a beautiful campus to spend her days learning and growing and making life-long friendships!

However, do they have to tell people this?!?! Are there that many fires?!?!

Now that the car’s unloaded…
Off to get some lunch and do a little shopping
We absolutely love Noodles and Company! We don’t have one back home, so it’s great to get to eat at one when we are in Indy (or traveling anywhere else).

It’s absolutely delicious! A great choice for a quick meal that’s fairly healthy!

After lunch, we made a quick trip to IKEA to get a few things for her dorm! She needed a bedside cabinet, bookshelf, bathroom cabinet, and a few other things.

I wanted cinnamon rolls!

IKEA was great and I love any excuse to get those cinnamon rolls, but I had no idea that any place does college registries. I know there are baby and wedding registries, but I had no idea there were college registries!!
Target College Registry

Then back she goes
Off to start the new school year! I leave her behind for the second time (she’s a sophomore in college this year) and head back home.

We have two high schoolers left at home…with one beginning the college application process right now! I will be dropping one more off at college this time next year!