Who Am I?
Hi! I’m Melissa Jones. I’m a clinical psychologist who has been practicing in a private practice setting for more than 15 years. Both my professional life and personal life have focused on children and families and I love sharing ways to make life easier and more enjoyable with my friends, family, and clients!
My husband and I have 7.5 children together: his, hers, and not-ours. My husband had four biological children when we married, I had three biological children, and my best friend’s daughter lived with us for most of her high school years (making her the .5). I’ve become an expert on how to make money stretch further so we could travel and be as active with the entire family as we have been through the years.

We Would Love…
We would love to hear from you about the possibility of partnership opportunities with your organization. Family Centered Life is just that, family-centered. We promote family relationships, less stressful parenting strategies, and enjoying time together.
Our family has always traveled and continues to travel on a regular basis. Travel is one of my favorite parts of my life! It’s my relaxation and self-care!
I’ve been able to share various adventures and learning experiences with my husband and children through all of our years of traveling. Plus, I’ve been able to share quality one-on-one time with my husband traveling without the kids on several of our trips and experiences.
I love to share my travel adventures, as well as my adventures in parenting, with family, friends, clients, and our readers. I know I have important and useful information to share that can benefit just about everyone in regards to parenting, travel, and family fun!

Similar Values!
We are interested in working with businesses and organizations that have similar values to ours.
Our website has quality content focusing on making family life less stressful and more enjoyable. We post about travel, stress relief, self-care, parenting strategies, and other ways to make life easier for everyone! Our overall goals are to help families be the best they can be and enjoy their time together making amazing memories!

Unique Perspective!
I am able to give a unique perspective due to my professional background in clinical psychology, owning my own business, and my personal experiences being a working mother, step-mother, and grandmother. Additionally, we, as a family, are able to provide a multi-generational perspective on products, events, and destinations.

What We Are Seeking
We are interested in various partnerships, including the following, and we are also open to new ideas and opportunities.
Sponsored Destination and Resort Visits and Promotions
Sponsored Posts
Guest Posting
Brand Ambassadorships
Event Coverage

What We Can Offer
If you are interested in working with us, we can offer various options for blog and social media posting to get your business and products out to our readers! We are open to ideas and suggestions and are able to meet the majority of requests for coverage.
An example of our typical coverage includes:
- One blog post specifically highlighting your organization and/or product
- Linking that post and your information to our other posts with similar content (ex. inexpensive travel ideas, travel ideas for families, etc…)
- Sharing those posts on our social media sites (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest) at the time the posts are made
- Sharing these posts on our social media sites on additional occasions that best fit your needs (ex. prior to spring break or summer travel times, at times when your business is having special events or sales, etc…)
Contact us at info@familycenteredlife.com and let us know how we are a good match for your products or services!
We will look forward to hearing from you!

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