The importance of journaling is undeniable. As a clinical psychologist who has been practicing for almost twenty years, I’ve learned the importance of self-care both professionally and personally. Self-care is about being happy with ourselves and our lives, as well as finding some peace and relaxation in the daily grind of life.
This can be challenging for many of us to take the time to take care of ourselves, much less explore our likes and dislikes, life goals, dreams, favorite memories, etc… However, I’ve learned that journaling is one of the simplest and easiest ways to do this! It’s an easy form of self-care and stress relief. Plus, it can be done anywhere at any time by anyone!

Finding the Right Journal
I’ve looked at various journals throughout the years to find the best journal to suggest to my patients in my private practice. However, I’ve never found one that I really liked and that truly met my needs. Because of this, I developed my own journal!
Because of this, I developed Focus on the Positives: Journal Prompts & More! This journal offers a variety of journal prompts and so much more! It allows the user to be creative, reminisce about the good things that have occurred in the past, and find ways to improve yourself and your life.
This journal meets my needs as a psychologist and my needs as a parent and wife looking for some stress relief! I also firmly believe that this journal will benefit anyone who is looking to explore themselves and their lives!

What to Expect
Here’s a sample of what you can expect from this amazing journal!
You can label and process your emotions! (Sometimes the labeling is the most challenging part.)

Set attainable goals for yourself with specific steps on how to reach those goals!

Take time to think about the positives in your life and write out some of your best memories and feelings!

Processing your wants and needs and discovering how you can improve yourself! (No matter how good any of us feel, there is always room for improvement.)

This is just a small sample of all that this amazing book has to offer! There are over 150 pages to help you explore and improve yourself! The importance of journaling for self-care is undeniable.

Get Your Copy
If you are ready to get your own copy of this amazing journal prompts guide, you can find it on Amazon!

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Learn more about the importance of self-care here:

Check out my other book! The ebook version is available on our website and the paperback and Kindle versions are available on Amazon!