Mental health issues have been near and dear to my heart for many years. I’ve been working in the mental health field in one form or another since the age of 19. I started out volunteering at a local domestic violence shelter advocating for victims of assault and have worked in many other areas of mental health since that time. I earned my Bachelor’s, Master’s, and then Ph.D. in psychology and have been practicing as a psychologist since 2005.

One of the important mental health topics that often gets overlooked is communication skills. Communication skills are important in every aspect of our lives! We use communication skills daily, but we don’t always choose the most appropriate words or tone.

Here are some great reminders of the communication skills we can all improve on to make our lives just a little easier because they allow us to get our point across in a way that helps others understand what we want and need.

Actively Listen
The first part of communicating with others is to listen to what the other person has to say. This means REALLY listening. It’s not just smiling and nodding. It’s not focusing your attention on your phone or the television or thinking about what you are going to have for lunch or what you plan to do tonight. Active listening is truly paying attention to what the other person has to say!
Active listening is truly caring about what they are saying and thinking.
To be able to truly communicate with someone else you have to be able to have a conversation with them and a conversation means taking turns and giving and taking on information and ideas.

Use “I” Statements
“I” statements are the best way to communicate your feelings. They allow you to express your emotions and share how you are truly feeling, while owning those feelings.
“I” statemens allow you to communicate your feelings without the other person feeling blamed for the way you feel, even if this is a misinterpretation. You are taking responsiblity for your own feelings and reactions, because, in reality, we are in charge of our feelings, words, and actions.
For example:
- I feel sad
- I feel lonely
- I feel angry
Compared to:
- You make me sad
- You make me lonely
- You make me angry
Communication is much easier when everyone feels heard and when they are able to express themselves appropriately.
“I” statements can even go further to help with communication. For example:
- I feel sad because you forgot to meet me for lunch.
- I feel lonely because everyone is busy.
- I feel angry because traffic was bad and someone cut me off.
Each of these examples gives specific information. It explains the feeling and describes why you are having that feeling. This leaves room for discussion and does not put the blame on the person you are having a conversation with. Even if that person is the reason you are having that feeling, “I” statements give room for communication, rather than an argument.

Your Tone of Voice Matters
Actively listening and using “I” statements are the first two aspects of good communication. However, tone of voice makes a HUGE difference.

We all know tone of voice can change a conversation completely. For example, say “What time are you going to be home?”
Now, say “What time are you going to be home?” with the following in mind:
- neutral (just asked a question)
- worried
- angry
- annoyed
- happy
Can you tell the difference? It’s the same sentence, but it has totally different connotations (situational meaning) depending on your tone of voice.
In addition to tone of voice, the volume of your voice makes a huge difference. Imagine saying the same sentence above in a neutral tone, while yelling, or while whispering. Again, it’s the same sentence, but it has an entiredly different connotation.
Pro Tip from a Psychologist: One of the tricks (talents?) I have learned through the years as a psychologist (and parent and wife) is to lower my voice when others raise their voices. I do this automatically and don’t even think about it.
A few things happen when I lower my voice when someone else is trying to yell/angrily argue.
- I’m choosing to not engage in a yelling match.
- I’m attempting to have a rational conversation.
- Most people tend to lower their voices (or raise them) when to match others around them. Thus, the other person will lower his/her voice or he/she will be the odd one who is yelling.

Clarify As Needed
Sometimes clarifying what you are trying to say can be the most frustrating part of communicating with others! Even when you believe you have spoken clearly and thoroughly, the person you are talking with may still not grasp what you are saying.
Sometimes clarifying means restating information with different words.
- The lasagna was palatable vs. the lasagna was tasty.
- I’m ecstatic about the new moving coming out vs. I’m really looking forward to the new moving coming out.
Not all examples of clarification are this easy, but they give you the idea!
Sometimes clarifying means explaining more details.
For example, if you are giving directions. You may have to give more specific details or give more landmarks of how to get where you are going. You may even need to give up and plug the address into their GPS for them!
And sometimes you need to be blunt!!

Empathy is being able to understand someone else’s emotions. You are able to identify with them and, hopefully, able to see the situation from their perspective. This is also important when communicating with loved ones because it shows respect and that you care.
You may not necessarily agree with what the person is thinking or feeling, but you are able and willing to try to see the situation from their perspective. You can still be empathetic even if you don’t agree with what the other person is saying.

Empathy is not always easy, but it is possible.
Empathy often takes practice because it is a skill most people need to learn or at least practice to improve on that skill. Some people are lucky enough to be naturally empathetic, but most need practice to do this well!

Nonverbal Communication
Last, but not least, nonverbal communication is essential to good communication. Body language is a big part of nonverbal communication, but there is more to nonverbal communication than just body language.

Hopefully, nonverbal communication matches our body language.
In the picture below, my second-youngest son is feeding my grandaughter (his niece) ice cream. His nonverbal language is definitely matching his verbal language, thoughts, and feelings. He was thrilled to feed her ice cream when mean old grandma wanted her to have applesauce and he enjoyed spending time with her! (And she still has that excited, adoring look when she sees him now!)

Communication confusion can occur when our verbal and nonverbal communication are not saying the same thing.
Nonverbal communication is more than body language (smiles, fidgeting, etc…). It can be sighs, poor eye contact, eye rolls, stammering when talking, and more. It’s all the ways we communicate that aren’t with words.
When nonverbal communication and verbal communication don’t match up, it is often the nonverbal communication that gives away our true emotions. For example, when we try to be excited and we really aren’t, sometimes our body language gives us away. Conversely, if we are sad and pretend to be happy or feel guilty for not being truthful, our body language can give us away. (This is how our parents knew we were lying when we were kids…that darn body language!)
For more great tips from me…check out my book! It’s available on Amazon!
In addition to my parenting book, I have created a positivity journal! Journaling is another great way to practice self-care! Here is my favorite journal and, of course, it’s the one I developed! This is the journal I created with self-care in mind! There are journal prompts, spaces for self-exploration, and more! Be sure to check it out!

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These are excellent tips! Communication is so important so we can express needs.
Absolutely! It’s difficult, if not impossible, to truly communicate with others if we cannot be open and honest about our feelings.
All such important reminders. Seems like so many are always ready to reply and give advice vs. listening.
Very true. Listening can be very challenging at times.
I am going to keep the trick of lowering my voice in mind, the next time I am dealing with my emotionally volatile Teen! Thanks for the tip! Your other suggestions were also a very valuable read,.
Yes! It’s very important that we keep our heads (and mouths) when dealing with teens!! It’s hard not to argue, but we shouldn’t have to argue because we are the parents and we make the rules. With kids in general, I simply repeat the same phrase (ex. you can go there as soon as you do you put up your laundry, food is not allowed out of the kitchen, etc..) instead of arguing. They do give up after they realize nothing is changing.
Valuable stuff here – I really like the idea of lowering ones voice so others follow suit. (Never been very good at that, tho!)
The photo of the screaming toddler is traumatizing! So glad my kids didn’t do that.
Between having seven kids, five grandkids, and working with kids as a psychologist for over sixteen years screaming kids don’t even phase me anymore!
These are great tips for communication in general.
I think so!
Great information! There were some good reminders for me. 🙂
Growing up with an emotionally abusive father has left a lasting mark on how I parent. I find that I have to conscientiously make sure I never make the same mistakes that were done to me. These are great ideas, and a lot of helpful information about this.
This is how most of us parent. We take how we were parented (or how we saw friends parented) and then make a choice to do those behaviors or not to do those same behaviors. It’s great that you are insightful enough to realize you want to be a better parent and then make the effort to make those choices!
I agree that tone is vitally important in communication. Since so much of our communication is done through texts and emails these days, do you think the lack of tone in text (or perhaps a misconstrued tone of text) affects mental health?
Absolutely! For most people, we read texts by what we think the other person means, but we don’t have context cues, nonverbal cues, etc… to help us interpret correctly. This can be especially difficult for someone with anxiety or depression since they often expect the worst of a situation already.
I LOVE the lower your voice tip – I’m going to add this to my “new skills” list. Brilliant!
It’s great! It’s one of my favorite things and just comes naturally to me now!
Communication is huge! I have a habit of overexplaining, which I’m working on.
It’s great that you are working on making improvements!
Thanks for the tip on using the word “I” instead of “you”. I need to keep this in mind when communicating.
Glad it’s helpful!!
Great tips. I love the one about using I instead of you. This makes quite the difference. Thanks!
You are correct! It makes a big difference!
Thanks for the tips!
You are welcome!
Being able to express how you feel and successfully getting the point across is so very important and it encompasses most of the above. Communication is indeed a necessary tool to our mental health.
It definitely is! It helps decrease stress because we can communicate more accurately!
Great tips! The “I” statements were our biggest tool as a family.
They work so well! It’s just one simple way to make communication go just a little bit smoother!
These are great tips! My husband and I have learned many of these over the years. So important to healthy relationships!
It is a major part of healthy relationships, no matter what type of relationship it is (work, kids, spouse, in-laws, etc…) the way we communicate with others and the words we choose make all the difference!
Great points all! Thanks for sharing such important information! <3
Good communication goes a long way!!
It absolutely does! It can change the entire way we interact with others!
I like the advice to lower your voice. My dad always said never yell unless there was a fire! I still try hard to not yell!
The calm, quieter voice is also good for the blood pressure! It allows us to take a breath and calm down just a bit before responding to a situation.
Great thoughts! I like that you lower your voice when others raise it, thats a practice we should all adopt!
It truly works well! I do it automatically after so many years and don’t even think about it!
Great post and full of a lot of useful information.
Thanks! I think so!